The first ever Bandfandango Finale will take place this coming Saturday, August 20th, at Nivara Lounge.
For the uninitiated, The Bandfandango is a bit of a musical adventure, whereby keen musicians entered into said adventure and had no idea what would happen next, other than their name would be selected randomly with others and they would find themselves in a new band. This new band then had a couple of months to write three news songs and practice a cover, all of which will be performed at the Finale show this coming weekend by the four new bands. HUP caught up with one of these new bands, Kandy Finish, (Andrew Bramwell, Matthew Rae, Kat Waswo), ahead of the show to find out how the experience has been for them and give an insight into what we might expect from the band live! Did you know the other band members before Bandfandango (BF)? Had any of you played music together? No! How did your band name come about? We bounced ideas around and it's the one that stuck! How have you found the creative process and/or how did you decide on a style of music? We started with asking each person what they wanted to do and built from there, for example Matt wanted to perform flamenco style as it was a new experience for him. All the songs are derived from flamenco jamming of songs he liked (covers). I (Andrew) had a lot of down time when others were not available to jam the groove and layer heaps of synths, bass lines and rhythms, leading to high complexity which was then edited and curated into the arrangements. Did anyone take the lead musically or lyrically? Leading on "Dear Moon" is Kat who wrote all the lyrics on the day of the Winter Solstice, leading on the other two is Andrew with chunks written or suggested by Kat & Matt. How have you found the whole Bandfandango experience?! It has been hard finding time and sticking to appointments with family and other pressures. One member dropped off due to an email not arriving until 5 weeks after it was sent. We added a wildcard bass player this week due to Kat not being able to perform live on the 20th - it's a big week for her recording in a studio with her real band. Do you think Kandy Finish will play shows after the Bandfandango show? All the stems are recorded, there is a definitive style that could be continued, there is a cheekiness and shamelessness about the lyrics and it would be good, we will see. Finally...pick three words to describe your BF experience this far! Can we finish!? (Kandy Finish)
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July 2022