'The Scones' are back with a shiny new release, ‘The Greasy EP’! It’s been just on a year and a half since The Scones released their last EP, ‘The Trouble with Thompson’. How do we feel they have done with their follow-up effort? Read our review -> HERE <-
The Scones have not long released their second effort, ‘The Greasy EP’. And the HUP staff think it’s a goodie! On the back of the new EP, and ahead of a couple of gigs, we had a chat with Julian and Greg about the bands musical progression, songs that sound like trains, cryptic lyric inspirations, and the introduction of some (contentious) new sounds! Red the interview -> HERE <-
We have seen The Goth and the Pixie play their final, and final final gigs, but now they are back with their debut album, ready for release (at a gig) on 3 November! We caught up with the Pixie to talk about the album, her shift to Melbourne, and the misinformation circling around regarding the albums name! Read the interview -> HERE <-
‘Galveston’ is an Auckland band with pedigree. Featuring Jeremy Eade, Rick McShane and Sean Reid, late of Garageland, Chainsaw Masochist and Psychodaisies, respectively, the band played their first gig in December 2016. Hot on the heels of the release of their debut recording, ‘Messed Around’, we talked to Jeremy Eade about Galveston; their sound, aspirations, and the terrible names the band could have had if sanity hadn’t prevailed! See the full interview -> HERE <-
Die!Die!Die! play Nivara Lounge this coming Thursday (12th) in support of their latest LP 'Charm Offensive'. HUP has two tickets to the show to giveaway so we devised a simple but daft competition. To enter, simply make up an anagram from the words 'Charm Offensive' and post it either on our Facebook post about the competition, or by emailing us. We will select the most impressive anagram and a winner will be drawn on Wednesday 11th, the night before the show. Bon chance!
Have I ever been to a happier feeling gig than this one? I think not! We review Wednesday nights Shonen Knife gig at Nivara Lounge, Hamilton! See the review -> HERE <-
Shonen Knife put on a heck of a show last night here in Hamilton, supported by the very cool 5 Girls. If you're off to the show tonight in Auckland or Friday in Wellington you are in for a real treat. The brilliant Ngamihi Pawa was on hand to capture last night's action for us, head over to the PHOTOS page for a gander!
It's October already! Which almost certainly means you all woke up this morning freaking out about what you were going to to get your Nan for Christmas. Well, HUP might just have the answer.
Yes that's right, we've added a SHOP page to house the various bits n bobs that we produce from time to time to help fund this site and the various shenanigans that we organise. It's a terribly lo-fi shop in as much as you have to email us what you want and pay by bank transfer. Still. Better than nowt eh. There's only three things in there at the moment, but more will be added soon, particularly as our other project, Gravel Streak Records, is involved in a new EP out later this month. Any bands wanting us to host their 'stuff' drop us a line and we will upload your merch no probs. Anyway, happy shopping! |
July 2022