This Friday, June 26th, Wellington's Hollywoodfun Downstairs are playing at Nivara Lounge to release their 'REACTIONS' album. Supported by Super Narco Man, Yor Cronies, and Hamilton's Sterling Archer.
The Volume Collective is a group of Hamilton based artists, designers and musicians dedicated to ensure local artists get an opportunity to share their work. TVC has just released its second podcast, and it is well worth a listen, which you can do by clicking here.
The New Millenium Beatniks are a loose collective of musicians and artists centred around poet Richard Selinkoff, who perform periodically in Hamilton, New Zealand. In May 2015, filmmakers Mutchison Hiller attempted to capture the raw art and sometime brutal comedy of this rare beast, both on stage and in their natural habitat, the result being 'Symbolic Headgear'. Darren Watson has received numerous national and international awards and accolades for his skills as a live performer, his original songwriting, and a slew of influential self-produced albums. He has received multiple NZ Music Award nominations, and even picked up the Best Blues Song award at Nashville's prestigious International Songwriting Competition for All Going Wrong from his album South Pacific Soul. Last year, Watson released a song, Planet Key, satirising the current Prime Minister of New Zealand. It was hugely popular online with an accompanying music video. The song had over 100,000 views in a week and reached #5 on the NZ Top 20 Singles Chart before the New Zealand Electoral Commission advised that the song was not able to be broadcast or sold without risking prosecution. Darren challenged the advice in the High Court. Some eight months later, the judge released a comprehensive ruling that vindicated the song and video on all counts. In doing so, the court emphasised the importance of the rights to freedom of expression and to participate in genuine elections for Parliament, confirmed by the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act. In his latest interview, Ian talks to Michel Rowland of goth band Disjecta Membra, who began life in Hamilton in the early 90's and went on to relative success in New Zealand and abroad. Click here to find the full interview.
Ian Duggan's latest piece for HUP is a fantastic interview with Justin Harris of Inchworm, about how they found success. Inchworm released one EP and two albums, were awarded NZ On Air funding for three music videos and self-funded two others — all of which received TV airplay — played numerous well-attended gigs in Hamilton, toured NZ several times, and played the Big Day Out festival! Check out our interview here!
Antagonist A.D. played an all-ages show at Zeal on Friday night with support from Barracks, Dead Dreamers and Hammer Time. Ngamihi Pawa was there to capture the action.
July 2022